July 1, 1867: Canada Day, Independence Day of Canada

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Region Canada self-governing region, a confederation of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the future provinces of Ontario and Quebec, officially recognized by the United Kingdom with the passage of the British North America Act on July, 1st. canada day or Canada Day (Independence Day of Canada).

Quote from the page the storyThursday (6/30/2022), during the 19th century, colonial dependency gave way to increased self-reliance for a growing Canada.

In 1841, Upper and Lower Canada, now known as Ontario and Quebec, became a single province under the Act of Union.

In the 1860s, a movement for greater Canadian federation arose out of the need for a common defence, the desire for a national railway system, and the need to find a solution to the Franco-British conflict.

When the Maritime provinces, seeking unity among themselves, called a conference in 1864, delegates from other Canadian provinces attended. Later that year another conference was held in Quebec, and in 1866 Canadian officials traveled to London to meet with the British government.

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