5 points about hypersonic missiles revealed by Iran

Iran launched a medium-range ballistic missile on Tuesday, which was its first, according to Al-Jazeera. Named Fattah, it can travel at hypersonic speeds of up to 15 times the speed of sound and can penetrate missile defense systems.

Here are 5 points about Fattah:

  1. The hypersonic missile has a range of 1,400 kilometers and uses a solid propellant, allowing great maneuverability. His name was chosen by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and translates to “opener”. AlJazeera said report.
  2. Unlike conventional ballistic missiles, hypersonics fly on low trajectories in the atmosphere, allowing them to reach targets faster and with less chance of being intercepted by modern air defenses.
  3. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Air Force, announced they were developing a hypersonic missile at an event in November last year.
  4. Iran says Fattah represents a “generational leap” for its missile technology. “The Fattah cannot be hit by other missiles because it is moving in a different direction and at a different altitude,” Hajizadeh said at the event last year.
  5. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami and other dignitaries.

Addison Erickson

"Thinker. Hardcore web aficionado. Zombie evangelist. Pop culture trailblazer. Student. Passionate twitter maven."

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