8 Most Popular Canadian Signature Souvenirs, Niagara Falls You Can Take Home : Okezone Travel

NEXT 8 of the most popular Canadian souvenirs to take home. Canada is known for its natural beauty, winter season and historical monuments.

During the visit Canada it seems incomplete if you don’t take souvenirs home. This country has a variety of iconic souvenirs that many tourists seek out. Maple syrup is one of the favorite souvenirs for tourists as it is rich in Canadian native culture.

Besides maple syrup, there are 8 popular Canadian souvenirs you should take home. Here is a list of the most popular Canadian souvenirs you need to take home.

Canadian maple syrup

Maple syrup is very popular in Canada. It doesn’t seem complete if you don’t buy maple syrup and bring it back to Indonesia. Buying maple syrup is like bringing Canadian warmth into your home.

(Maple syrup, Photo: Washington Post)

tea towels

Canadian tea towels can be great hadiths for loved ones. A versatile tea towel that makes a handy keepsake, not to mention its high quality and durability.

They are easy to find in gift shops or even convenience stores for cheap.


Canada has a traditional shoe called Moccasin. These shoes come in the form of deerskin or buffalo shoes. Interestingly, these shoes can adapt to all weather conditions.


(Photo: The Canadian Encyclopedia)

Niagara Falls water

You can bring Niagara Falls home. How could that be? There are many shops selling Niagara Falls souvenirs, such as yellow vests or waterfall paintings.

However, if you want something more unique, the Niagara Falls Underwater Waterfall comes packaged in a bottle.

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traditional pole

The totem pole holds many historical stories for Canada. Canadians designed these columns to represent history, events and early Canadians. The totem pole is decorated with images of animals, hybrids, supernatural beings and beautiful colors.

miniature canoe

Kano has special meaning for the Indigenous peoples of Canada. This mode of transportation has been used since ancient times to support Canadian trade and travel.

miniature canoe

(Photo: Etsy)

Most of the Canadian territory also regularly organizes canoe races. You can take the canoe home as a miniature.

Dream Catcher

The next must-have souvenir when visiting Canada is dream catchers. This keepsake is made of embroidery floss with beautiful feathers and beads.

Canadians once believed that dream catchers could ward off bad dreams while they slept.

Deer Themed Souvenirs

The deer is a very important animal symbol in Canada. There are plenty of deer-themed souvenirs to take home. However, the most authentic are the deer of the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).

These are 8 popular Canadian souvenirs you need to take home. Canada has so much to offer. Hope this is helpful, Okezoners.

Vince Corbyn

"Tvaholic. Beer guru. Lifelong internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture scholar. Friendly food advocate. Freelance alcohol fan. Incurable bacon ninja."

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