Hot weather sparks wildfires, 13,000 Canadians evacuated

Hot weather sparked forest fires, 13,000 Canadians were evacuated. Photo/The Guardian

OTTAWA – register warm weather for a week on Canada the west caught fire 78 Forest fires forcing the evacuation of more than 13,000 residents of the province of Alberta.

And the news could be even worse because the province is fire-prone, said Christie Tucker, head of Alberta Wildfire Information.

“We are expecting very hot weather and very strong winds, especially in the north of the province,” Tucker said at a press conference.

“This is not good for wildfire activity which tends to lead to very active wildfires and our people on the ground need to be very careful of their own safety and of course the safety of the communities that ‘they protect,’ he added. AnadoluSaturday (6/5/2023).

About 80 firefighters are expected to arrive this Saturday local time from Ontario and Quebec to help put out the blaze, 19 of which are out of control.

According to Tucker, there have been 348 wildfires in Alberta this year and more than 25,000 acres have burned.

“It’s a lot more fire activity this year than we’ve seen in the past,” he said.

Vince Corbyn

"Tvaholic. Beer guru. Lifelong internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture scholar. Friendly food advocate. Freelance alcohol fan. Incurable bacon ninja."

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