August 12 World Elephant Day, when was it first commemorated?

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Day Elephant Worldwide was started on August 12, 2012, by Patricia Sims from Canada and the Thailand Elephant Reintroduction Foundation, an initiative of HM Ratu Sirikit from Thailand. Since then, Patricia Sims has continued to chair World Elephant Day.

city โ€‹โ€‹of World Elephant Since beginning to raise global awareness, he has partnered with 100 elephant conservation organizations around the world and reached countless elephants around the world. Millions of participants around the world showed their concern for the plight of elephants through confessions world elephant dayproving that people love elephants and want to do anything to help them.

World Elephant Day is a means through which organizations and individuals can come together to voice the issues that threaten elephants. His vision empowers and facilitates all organizations and citizens to campaign under the auspices of World Elephant Day, empowering everyone to work together to support this critical global issue that requires cooperation across borders and lines. policies.

This powerful global collective voice offers citizens, policy makers, politicians and governments a means to create and support conservation solutions that will make the world a safe place for elephants, wildlife and the habitat that will be cherished by people. future generations.

Increased hunting, habitat loss, human-elephant conflict and abuse in captivity are just some of the threats to elephants. World Elephant Day aims to better protect wild elephants, improve enforcement policies to prevent illegal hunting and ivory trade, preserve habitat elephants, better treatment of captive elephants and, where appropriate, the reintroduction of captive elephants into protected nature reserves are the goals of many elephant conservation projects


Read: Celebrating World Elephant Day in the pockets of the remnant people in Sumatra

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Ferdinand Stevens

"Travel nerd. Social media evangelist. Zombie junkie. Total creator. Avid webaholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Future teen idol."

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