The Sri Lankan government expresses its dissatisfaction with Canada!

Regarding false high-level claims about genocide linked to the conflict in Sri Lanka In Canada (Canada) Dissatisfaction expressed on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka.

Foreign Minister Aruni Wijewardena met with Canadian Deputy Minister of International Development Christopher MacLennan at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombo.

Meanwhile, Aruni Wijewardana explained to the Canadian minister the great progress Sri Lanka has made in achieving economic stability.

Constructive method

Expressing concern over Canada’s high-level declaration of genocide despite these efforts paralleling the government’s efforts to advance peace and reconciliation, Sri Lanka’s foreign minister called on Canadian ministers to engage in a manner constructive with Sri Lanka and to facilitate dialogue and reconciliation.

And also send a message to Sri Lanka to this effect In Canada The Canadian deputy minister responded that the relevant authorities would be informed.

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Chad Hardy

"Social media fanatic. Problem solver. Bacon ninja. Communicator. Alcohol evangelist."

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