Randy Pangalila still teaching his Canadian wife to speak Indonesian

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Actor Randy Pangalila often brings his Canadian wife, Chelsey Frank, when he works or goes out with friends so that he can speak Indonesian fluently.

“He is still learning Indonesian. At home Idifficult housekeeper he said, (then) use body language,” Randy said after the premiere of the movie “Kucumbu Grows My Beautiful” in Jakarta on Monday.

Randy said his wife’s participation in each activity was not out of possessiveness but to allow Chelsey to practice her Indonesian language skills. Chelsey has Canadian citizenship and became an Indonesian citizen after marrying Randy in January 2019.

“If there are parents and older siblings I, new I stay. While going slowly I will teach you in Indonesian,” said the actor who plays the boxer in “Kucumbu Grows My Beautiful.”

The man who also works as a model admitted he was confused about introducing vocabulary to Chelsey as there were a number of the same words with different meanings. Phrases commonly used in everyday language are also different.

“Here RIGHTif talk with parents RIGHT he said differently. If there is, RIGHT? There is. So here I am teach‘Honey, yes Besides with Dad not like this‘,” he said.

Although it seems difficult, Chelsey seems very excited about learning about various Indonesian cultures.

“He is very interested in the differences. We are actually very polite, he feels it. He said that Indonesians are friendly. According to him, it is interesting,” Randy said.

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Felicia Slater

"Unapologetic travel lover. Friendly web nerd. Typical creator. Lifelong bacon fanatic. Devoted food enthusiast. Wannabe tv maven."

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