Interest among Indonesian citizens in Canada to participate in 2019 elections increases

TORONTO – The enthusiasm of Indonesian citizens in the Toronto area of ​​Canada to vote in the 2019 general election (Pemilu) held on Saturday (13/4/2019) has increased compared to the election five years ago.

Toronto Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) Chairman Dwi Kristiantoro said that as many as 778 voters went directly to the polling station (TPS) at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI). Toronto. As many as 850 voters sent their votes by mail.

“We are still waiting for votes sent by mail from voters before the vote count on April 17, 2019. So it is possible that the number of votes sent by mail will increase,” Dwi told Quran SINDO yesterday.

The total number of voters who voted using TPS was 1,633 people, while the total number of voters who used the postal method was 2,213 people. According to Dwi, the number of voters and public interest in voting have increased compared to the last elections.

In the 2014 election, 723 voters showed up at the Toronto polling station and 643 people voted by mail. Meanwhile, the number of participants was 1,408 people.

Additionally, 179 voters were not previously registered in the DPT TPS. They are mostly students. They arrived after the DPT had been determined and were therefore included in the special electoral list. They came at the time of the vote.

“There are many things that cause people not to vote. From the information we received, some of them were because they moved citizens or moved their residence outside the Toronto PPLN area and returned to Indonesia. right to vote, that is, abstain,” he said.

The West Java man said the PPLN has been conducting outreach through its website and through Indonesian community organizations in the Toronto area. For your information, PPLN Toronto covers four provinces: Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut.

“Overall, the PPLN Toronto elections were smooth and safe,” he said.

Indonesian Consul General in Toronto Leonard F Hutabarat said the Toronto elections were a success. “I would like to thank the election organizing committee, the monitoring committee and the Indonesian people of Toronto and surrounding areas,” he said.


Addison Erickson

"Thinker. Hardcore web aficionado. Zombie evangelist. Pop culture trailblazer. Student. Passionate twitter maven."

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