Tengku Firmansyah, from famous artist to welder in Canada: the inspiring story of Cindy Fatika Sari’s husband – Kalteng.co

KALTENG.CO– Who would have thought that a famous actor like Tengku Firmansyah would be willing to leave the glamour of the entertainment world and choose to become a welder in another country? Yes, together with his wife, Cindy Fatika Sari, they decided to start a new chapter of their lives in Canada. This courageous decision has certainly surprised many people, but it has also inspired many.

From Soap Opera Star to Hard Worker

Tengku Firmansyah, whose name once shone on Indonesian screens through various soap opera titles, now leads a very different life. In Canada, he worked as a welder in an iron manufacturing company. A job far from the glamorous world he once knew. Yet, behind this choice, there is an extraordinary fighting spirit.

Through his personal Instagram account, Tengku Firmansyah often shares his daily moments at work. In his upload, he seems to be truly enjoying his job. Wearing a full work uniform and safety gear, he seemed focused on performing his duties as a welder. His welding skills also seem to be improving.

Support from other artists and internet users

Tengku Firmansyah’s decision to become a hard worker in Canada has received a lot of support from fellow artists and netizens. Many were amazed by his courage and fighting spirit. Ranty Purnamasari, one of his close friends, praised him via the comments column on Instagram. “Masha Allah, cool Abi. God willing, blessings. “Be healthy, Abi, greetings to Ummi and the children,” Ranty wrote.

Not only Ranty, Mieke Amalia also made positive comments. “I swear, you are really cool. @tengku_firmansyah @cindyfatikasari18. I am amazed. I love you,” Mieke wrote.

Netizens were no less enthusiastic in their support. They praised Tengku Firmansyah as a responsible husband and father. Many were inspired by his fighting spirit to earn a living for his family.

What motivates Tengku Firmansyah?

Of course, many are curious to know the reasons behind Tengku Firmansyah’s big decision. Although there has been no official statement from him, many believe that this decision was made to provide a better life for his small family. Canada, with its high quality of life and good education system, could be the right choice for their children’s future.

Lessons from the History of Tengku Firmansyah

Tengku Firmansyah’s life story provides many valuable lessons for all of us. First, we learn the importance of hard work and fighting spirit. Second, we are taught that success is not always measured by material things or popularity. Finally, we are reminded that everyone has the opportunity to start from scratch and achieve their dreams.

The story of Tengku Firmansyah’s transformation from a famous actor to a welder in Canada is an inspiring story. He proves that with a high fighting spirit, we can overcome any challenge and succeed in any field. His story is proof that true success lies in the ability to bring happiness to the people we love. (*/tour)

Felicia Slater

"Unapologetic travel lover. Friendly web nerd. Typical creator. Lifelong bacon fanatic. Devoted food enthusiast. Wannabe tv maven."

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