LILLEY: We’ll probably be campaigning in a week.

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Parliament will vote on whether to hold a general election in a week, which could see Canadians cast their ballots before Americans go to the polls. The Trudeau government has confirmed that the Conservative Party will have an opposition day on Tuesday, September 24, with a vote on the proposal to take place the day after question period.

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Given that Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has repeatedly stated that he will table a motion of non-confidence as soon as possible, this means that a vote on the government’s survival will take place within a week.

If the Conservatives are smart, the proposal that comes before the House will simply say, “The House has lost confidence in the government.” If they add something to do with a carbon tax, something to do with Trudeau’s policies, then the proposal is doomed to fail.

If the proposal is a yes and no vote on the competence of the Liberal government, it should pass. If the Conservative Party brushes the issue aside and starts talking about many other things, it shows that, like the NDP, it wants to shout about how bad the NDP is but does not really want to force a general election.

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However, a direct confidence vote gave the Conservatives the victory in both cases.

MPs could vote to end the Trudeau Liberal government and force a general election, or the Bloc and NDP could give Poilievre the opportunity to attack them day after day for supporting a government they denounce with their words and support with their votes.

“Yesterday’s byelection clearly demonstrated a number of things. First, it shows that people are fed up with the Liberal Party. They’re fed up with Justin Trudeau. They’re fed up with the Liberal Party. They’re fed up,” NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said Tuesday.

Well, if Canadians are fed up with Trudeau’s Liberal Party, then Singh should join Poilievre and Bloc Leader Yves-François Blanchet in voting against the government.

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Of course, as I have written elsewhere, holding a general election in Canada before the American people vote is probably what Trudeau’s Liberal Party wants. If the government falls on September 25, that means the Prime Minister will have to go to the GG on September 26 to call a general election, and the vote will likely take place on November 4.

This means that Canadians will vote the day before the American election.

Why does Trudeau’s Liberal Party want this to happen? Because the November 4 general election will allow Justin Trudeau to campaign against Donald Trump during his term instead of campaigning against Pierre Poilievre.

Trudeau’s Liberal Party is so convinced that Trump is the devil that it believes campaigning against Republican candidates is a winning strategy in Canadian elections.

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There are several problems with this theory.

Pierre Poilievre is not Donald Trump and Canadians understand that despite more than a year of Liberal tactics and social media advertising. American politics is different from Canadian politics and no matter how often the Liberals try to highlight American problems while denouncing “American-style” politics, most voters understand the difference.

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Fighting Trump, rather than Poilievre, may be the Liberal Party’s last chance to regain relevance and win.

Despite the polls, Poilievre and the Conservative Party would be foolish to ignore Trudeau’s Liberal Party at this point.

The Liberal Party is the most successful political party in the Western world, it plays dirty, and it plays for its own interest, it will do anything to win even if it means another minority supported by the Bloc Québécois and the NDP.

The Canadian public clearly wants change, but it remains to be seen whether the MPs we sent to Ottawa will express that spirit when they have the opportunity to vote next week.

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Addison Erickson

"Thinker. Hardcore web aficionado. Zombie evangelist. Pop culture trailblazer. Student. Passionate twitter maven."

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