Canada to impose new sanctions on Iran

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Monday that Canada would sanction “dozens” of Iranian individuals and entities, including morale police, as security forces in Iran continue to crack down on protesters.

To “women protesting in Iran and their supporters,” Trudeau said, “We are with you.”

Trudeau added that Canadians, along with millions around the world, want the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to “listen to its people, end the suppression of their freedoms and rights, and allow women and all Iranians to continue their lives freely”. , and speak in peace.” and calm down.”

Responding to a question about the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Trudeau said Canada had imposed “some of the toughest sanctions in the world against the Iranian regime” and would do so again in this regard. .

In January 2020, an IRGC missile shot down Ukraine Airlines Flight PS752 minutes after taking off from Tehran airport, killing 176 people, including dozens of Canadians. Since then, the Canadian government has come under pressure from several groups, including the conservative opposition, to take a tougher stance on Iran.

A recent series of protests took place in all Iranian provinces, following the death of Mahsa Amini while in police custody.

Amini’s family members claim she was beaten in a police car after her arrest and received several blows to the head. Police denied the charge, saying Amini died of a heart attack. [ka/jm]

Madeline Weber

"Amateur problem solver. Hipster-friendly alcohol lover. Beer buff. Infuriatingly humble tv geek."

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