TRIBUN-BALI.COM – Governor of Bali WayanKoster development request Turyapada Tower KBS 6.0 Kerthi Bali and Shortcut Singaraja-Mengwitani put quality first.
The Bali Provincial Government Public Relations Press Release received in Denpasar, Monday, December 26, 2022 yesterday, said Turyapada Tower KBS 6.0 Kerthi Bali is designed with the highest seismic resistance coefficient of 1.0 G and has a minimum structural life of 500 years.
“This development must be done with great accuracy and precision. I ask that the building materials be well controlled and must use materials that meet the standards or even have to be above the standards of a normal building. I want it to be strictly guarded,” he said. WayanKoster when considering development Turyapada Tower KBS 6.0 Kerthi Bali and Shortcut Singaraja-Mengwitani.
native governor Buleleng it also requires construction equipment to be complete to support the specified target completion time.
Its development must therefore be accompanied by committed, qualified and competent human resources.
“The working method is well thought out, I ask you not to sacrifice the quality of the building, do not play here. So the mixture of ingredients really has to be precisely controlled,” he said.
For the construction of the Singaraja-Mengwitani shortcut itself, the governor of Bali requested that he immediately find a suitable day to carry it out. Easter or the building purification ceremony for point 7ABC and point 8 which will be inaugurated in January 2023.
In his examination, the number one person of the provincial government of Bali received an implementation report from the PT tower. Hutama Karya and PT. Yodya Karya, where Turyapada Tower KBS 6.0 Kerthi Bali in Pegayaman Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng which was carried out by 161 workers, now the work has reached 13.86 percent.
The Governor said currently the Carmix tool has been upgraded to support concrete, added concrete pump tool for pouring, added Sany SR-265 drilling rig and put in place a system of overtime at night.
During this time for Shortcut Singaraja-Mengwitani located in Wanagiri village, Pegayaman village and Gitgit village, Sukasada district, the construction of 7ABC point and 8 point has reached 96.14%, which can cut nine corners into three corners and 15 corners into four corners.
Turyapada Tower With a project value of IDR 334.27 billion, this building has a height of 115 meters which is located at an altitude of 1,521 meters above sea level.
Thus, the total height of the tower is 1,636 meters above sea level.
It is expected that the works of the tower will last approximately 450 calendar days or approximately 1 year and 3 months (expected completion in August 2023).
Read also : Nine professors from the Faculty of Engineering of Unud participated in the design of the Turyapada Tower
Turyapada Tower will be Indonesia’s first iconic tower and a world-class tourist attraction.
Turyapada Tower will be equipped with various facilities such as the top of the tower as a transmitter for digital television broadcasts, cellular telecommunications and the Internet, the body of the tower as an educational vehicle in the form of a planetarium, a walkway, a 360-degree rotating restaurant, and a glass bridge.
The pedestrian towers function as a medium such as congress visits, educational laboratories and the Museum of Excellence of Balinese Culture to communicate, using the technology created and adopted in each era of civilization.
Judging from the location, height and built facilities, Turyapada Tower no less than 5 towers in the world such as Eiffel Tower (France), Tokyo Tower (Japan), Toronto Tower (Canada), Macao Tower (Macao, China) and Fernsehturm Tower (Germany). (ant/sko)
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