Ahead of G20 summit, government adds 177 immigration staff Ngurah Rai

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) prepared 177 additional staff to strengthen Immigration Ngurah Rai. The addition was made as part of the G20 Summit (Summit) on November 15-16, 2022.

“This is aimed at expediting the flow of arrivals during the G20 summit,” Immigration Bureau Chief for the Special Class I TPI, Ngurah Rai, Sugito, said in a written statement on Sunday, October 23, 2022.

He explained that Ngurah Rai Immigration will generally be able to service 3,500 arrivals per hour. The addition of personnel will be done gradually. A total of 44 people will be mobilized during the first stage.

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In addition to adding staff, the immigration office has also prepared a special inspection counter for delegates G20. The counter will be filled with 12 officers with a target of 720 immigration checks per hour.

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights also moved 21 equipment units from various immigration offices in Indonesia. Sugito said the move was intended to expedite the arrival of delegates without replacing high-volume regular passengers.

“Ngurah Rai Immigration separates the arrival route between delegates and regular passengers,” he said.

During this time, immigration checks for Heads of State level delegates will be conducted at the VVIP building. As for the ministerial delegation, it took place in the VIP building. Afterwards, delegates will go through immigration checks at the international arrivals terminal.

The Ngurah Rai immigration office, he said, had done a mapping and plotting of the agents. The immigration office has also prepared a mobile unit that will be used for immigration checks for delegates at VVIP and VIP levels.

In addition, Immigration Ngurah Rai has also installed several signposts at strategic points to facilitate the arrival of delegates through a special route at the arrival terminal. The objective is to streamline the flow of arrivals when G20 Summit.

“All preparations will still be monitored based on the evolving situation and existing conditions,” he said.


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