Canada Mass evacuation of citizens, what’s new?


secondCNBC Indonesia


Monday 31/07/2023 06:05 WIB


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Canada carried out a massive evacuation of citizens. This is particularly the case for the city of Osoyoos and surrounding districts in the province of British Columbia.

The official order was issued on Saturday evening local time. Wildfires out of control that crossed the border into the United States of America (United States), Washington, became the cause.

According to Reuters, quote BC Forest Fire Service, a wildfire called Eagle Bluff broke out about 4 kilometers (km) from Osoyoos. In the latest update, the fires covered 885 acres on the Canadian side of the border.

“The evacuation order covers the area north of the Canada-US border to the intersection of Highway 97 and Highway 3, and west and north along the highway 3″, the media wrote again, quoted on Monday (7/31/2023).

An evacuation team consisting of helicopters, protection personnel and heavy equipment also descended to secure the situation. The local information officer told a news conference on Sunday afternoon that the situation had not changed much.

“A total of 732 properties are under evacuation orders and 2,094 are under evacuation warnings. One hundred and thirty-two people have requested emergency assistance,” he said.

Severe forest fires have indeed been hitting Canada since June. Last month, Deutsche Well (DW) noted that there were 160 wildfires in the country, with 110 cases uncontained.

The fire was concentrated in Quebec, in the eastern region of Canada. Quebec Public Safety Minister Francois Bonnardel said at the time that most fires were started by human negligence.

Smoke from wildfires from that era also caused heavy smog in New York City and several other cities in the United States. Reported by the same page, the smoke spread hundreds of miles, as far as New York and New England, in the United States.

Watch the video below:

Canada’s wildfires are worse and evacuations have doubled!


Vince Corbyn

"Tvaholic. Beer guru. Lifelong internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture scholar. Friendly food advocate. Freelance alcohol fan. Incurable bacon ninja."

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