Canadian Ambassador visits East Kalimantan, offers investment opportunities, development of former mining lands

SAMARIND – Canadian Ambassador to Indonesia Jess Dutton made his first visit to East Kalimantan (Kaltim) on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. During his visit, Jess Dutton met with the Acting Governor of East Kalimantan, Akmal Malik, to discuss various potential cooperations, including mangrove development and other investment opportunities.

Jess Dutton said Canada is keen to increase investment opportunities in East Kalimantan, particularly in the areas of environment, education and infrastructure. He also stressed the importance of adequate infrastructure as a key attraction for investors.

“Investors definitely want to invest in areas with adequate infrastructure, and that is in East Kalimantan,” Acting Governor Akmal Malik said in a meeting held at the VVIP room of the East Kalimantan Governor’s Office.

During the meeting, Akmal Malik also expressed the great potential of East Kalimantan as a region rich in natural resources, from coal to oil to natural gas. However, he also highlighted the challenges faced by East Kalimantan regarding the condition of the land after mining.

“The problems of East Kalimantan lie in the future. “It is not easy, but we have started to realize the transformation,” Akmal said.

For example, he talked about PT Kitadin, a mining company that has successfully converted former mining lands into productive rice fields. Akmal pointed out that there are more than 50,000 hectares of former mining lands in East Kalimantan that can be used for agriculture and other productive crops.

Jess Dutton welcomed the idea, saying Canada has a lot of experience managing former mining lands. However, he added that his party would be watching more closely to see which companies or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) might be invited to collaborate on such development.

“Maybe Canada can help East Kalimantan convert former mining lands into productive agricultural lands, so that the air in East Kalimantan will be fresher,” Akmal said hopefully.

In addition to discussing the development potential of former mining lands, Akmal Malik also explained how East Kalimantan continues to strive to maintain a balance between environmental preservation and economic growth.

He stressed that East Kalimantan is very strategic as a buffer for the Indonesian capital (IKN), making it an ideal location for investment. “We will support inbound investment because East Kalimantan is very strategic,” he added.

On this occasion, East Kalimantan Regional Secretary Sri Wahyuni ​​added that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government had collaborated with the World Bank in an emission reduction program through the concept of Results Based Payment (RBP).

East Kalimantan aims to reduce carbon emissions by up to 22 million tons with a compensation of $110 million. Currently, East Kalimantan has received an initial payment of $20.9 million, or approximately IDR 313 billion, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Ambassador Jess Dutton said he was pleased with the reception he received in East Kalimantan. He was impressed by the explanation given by Acting Governor Akmal Malik and said the communication delivered was very good, especially in English.

“Very good explanation. Why don’t we invest here through NGOs or companies. “Thank you, Governor, for receiving us so well,” said Jess Dutton, who promised to visit East Kalimantan again on another occasion.

Also present in the entourage of the Canadian Ambassador were Arielle Sobhani (First Secretary, Political), Maria Ramirez Serano (First Secretary, Development) and Hari M Basuki (Senior Development Officer). Meanwhile, from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, there were Development Economics Assistant Ujang Rahmad, Bappeda Head Yusliando, ESDM Head Bambang Arwanto and Environmental Service Head Anwar Sanusi.

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Madeline Weber

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