Canadian Ambassador visits USU

Medan, (Analysis). North Sumatra University (USU), through the Office of International Affairs (KUI), recently received a visit from the Canadian Ambassador to Indonesia, Peter Mac Arthur, accompanied by Senior Trade Commissioner Michael Lazaruk and Trade Commissioner Julia Pangkey at the USU Chancellor’s Office.

The three were received by the USU Chancellor represented by USU Vice Chancellor IV Prof. Ir Bustami Syam, MSME, University Secretary Dr. Farhat, MKed (ORL-HNS), Sp.THT-KL(K), Head of International Affairs Office Dr. Esther Nababan, MSc, Head of Public Relations, Promotion and Protocol Office Elvi Sumanti, ST, MHum and Chancellor’s Staff Expert Dr. Emerson Pascawira Sinulingga, ST, MSc, PhD.

Canadian Ambassador Peter MacArthur stated the purpose of his visit to explore cooperation with USU. In particular, to further develop and optimize opportunities offered in investment, environmental, technological and scientific aspects.

Apart from this, the visit aims to further improve relations between the Indonesian and Canadian people, especially in the field of education which occupies a strategic position.

Meanwhile, Professor Bustami Syam said USU welcomed the arrival of the Canadian Ambassador and his entourage, whose mission was in line with USU’s future work program. Among other things, improving rankings in international higher education ranking systems such as QS Ranking, Green Matic International Ranking and others.

According to him, USU really hopes that there will be mutually beneficial cooperation between USU and the Canadian government, especially with Canadian universities.

According to Dr. Esther Nababan, the areas targeted by the collaborative relationship that will be established between Canada and Indonesia are the development of the quality of students and teaching staff, the distance learning system, the exchange of educational programs from Canada to Indonesia and vice versa, joint degrees And credit transfer.

The Canadian ambassador also stressed the importance of mastering technology today, particularly information technology.

This is in line with statutory regulations which give everyone equal rights to enjoy the same opportunities to participate in all aspects of life.

Peter MacArthur expressed his pride at the opportunity to stay in touch with the people of North Sumatra, especially the USU.

Besides the University of North Sumatra, the Canadian Ambassador also visited other partner universities in Indonesia, such as UIN Alauddin Makasasar, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau and others. (aru)

Ferdinand Stevens

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