Canadian Muslims Share Islamophobia

This report describes daily incidents of discrimination experienced by Muslims.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, OTTAWA — Some Canadian Muslims speak from experience Islamophobia in a new report from the charity Islamic Relief Canada. The release of the report coincided with the fifth anniversary of the Quebec City mosque shooting and the National Day of Action Against Islamophobia.

“Canadians often only hear about violent or extreme attacks on Muslims. This report aims to shed light on the daily incidents of discrimination and petty assaults suffered by Muslims and to demonstrate the long-lasting effects of hatred,” the Head of Communications and Government said. Relations at Islamic Relief Canada. Reyhana Patel quoted by Radio Canada, Monday (31/1/2022).

This report aims to shed light on everyday incidents of discrimination and assault little suffered by Muslims and to demonstrate the long-term effects of hatred. Saleha Islam from British Columbia shared her story. She confessed that when she was in middle school, she wore a headscarf for the first time.

Some of the boys in the class asked her about the headscarf, then started to take it off her head. He said he was scared but decided to face them.

“I was like, ‘Do you know what you did? This is very important to me. This is how I identify as a Muslim woman. So you should never do this to anyone’ , she said.

According to the report, many of those who shared their experiences feel the experience is to be expected, living as a minority in Canada. The report also found that women were more likely to be targets of Islamophobia.

The organization points to laws in Quebec, such as Bill 62 of the law which includes a ban on wearing the niqab, a veil that leaves a slit for the eyes or the burqa, a veil that completely covers the head and body. , while doing some of the things. Activities and Bill 21, which prohibits certain officials in positions of authority from wearing religious symbols in the course of their work.

In December 2021, a primary school teacher in Chelsea was told she could no longer teach because she was wearing a headscarf, which is prohibited by Bill 21. The report also said that the most people responding to calls for stories were women. The organization calls on the government to take all necessary measures to combat Islamophobia and its root causes.

Ferdinand Stevens

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