, JAKARTA – March 7, 1876 is the story when Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent for his invention which he called the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell Day is celebrated on March 7 every year. It was on this
Bisnis.comJAKARTA — Part-time work or part time jobs maybe not so popular in Indonesia. However, in a number of countries, part-time work is in fact the most popular segment of workers. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) report entitled
Bisnis.comJAYAPURA – Commander of Lantamal XI Merauke Brigadier General TNI Mar. Gatot Mardiyono said that Indonesian Navy deployment of aircraft to patrol the whereabouts of the KM Vivie Rae II which was damaged and drifting in the Arafura Sea. Apart – FEB. Studium generale on the theme “Digital Era: Friend or Foe for Entrepreneurs? held by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Muhammadiyah University of Magelang (UNIMMA) held at the local auditorium of Campus 1, on Thursday,, Jakarta – Canada begins to impose a home buying ban for foreign nationals. The ban aims to help relieve one of the country’s housing markets. Launch BBC, Wednesday (4/1/2023) the ban on buying homes for foreign nationals in Canada – BUDGET. Organization of the Budget Festival 2023 from February 28 to March 1, 2023 at GOR Samapta. (photo: humaspemkotmgl) MAGELANG, – The holding of the 2023 Budget Festival, which was held for the first time in the
JAKARTA, – Medan Boy named Kasim made the name of his region proud. Gone fashion, it is now open successfully restaurant with a special menu Indonesia in the town of Edmonton, Canada. This culinary business was established 20 years
loading… Kasim (left) receiving an award from Consul General of Vancouver, Canada, Hendra Halim, at Padmanadi Restaurant, Edmonton, Alberta, recently. picture: special CANADA – At first, Kasim was just for the fun of opening a restaurant serving Indonesian cuisine in
JOGLOSEMARNEWS.COM — In a country, national defense is one of the most important aspects that a government must protect. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia number 6 of 2012, national defense is, JAKARTA – Chief Executive Officer of PT Supreme Cable Manufacturing & Commerce Tbk. (SCOO) or SucacoBayu Adwijaya Soepono die world on Sunday (22/1/2023) Canadian time or Monday (23/1/2023) Indonesian time. Rating data Bloomberg, in addition to being Chairman-Director of