Companies in Canada Open Jobs Taste Candy Salary IDR 1 Billion

Jakarta, CNNIIndonesia

Candy Funhouse, an online retailer of chocolate bars Chocolate until chewing gum and liquorice origin Canada offers an interesting position named Chief Candy Officer. Vacancies are open to the public, even for five-year-olds.

The salary they offer is 78,000 USD or 1.159 billion IDR per year. His duties include leading candy council meetings, serving as chief taste tester.

“And of course all the fun stuff,” they said, as quoted by CNN Business on Tuesday (2/8).

Managing Director Jamal Hejazi said that since the position was opened via LINKedIn last July, thousands of candidates have applied for the position.

He was surprised by the number of applicants. Hijazi believes that candidates might be interested in the offers made.

“Imagine, workers could work with the best candy memories and have those candies every day at work,” he said.

Candy Funhouse, based outside of Toronto, is run by a quartet of siblings in their 20s and 30s who grew up in the area. Their parents owned a local donut shop and restaurant.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

“My brother Mo, a candy headsfounded it in 2018 and my mother is employee number 2,” Hejazi said, adding that he and a younger sister and brother later joined the company.

The company has 340,000 followers on Instagram and 3 million on TikTok. One of his followers was a Cardhasian.

In 2021, store sales were severely depressed by the pandemic.

“Just under $15 million. I’m not kidding,” Hejazi said.


Felicia Slater

"Unapologetic travel lover. Friendly web nerd. Typical creator. Lifelong bacon fanatic. Devoted food enthusiast. Wannabe tv maven."

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