Cool, Smamio Gresik students are accepted in 3 famous universities in the world

Gresik ( – Student Smamio Gresik (Muhammadiyah High School 10 GKB Gresik), Mr. Fadel Thoriq Dharmawan (18), his name suddenly went viral on social media. The Class XII student has been accepted to three well-known universities in the world. Namely, University of British Columbia Faculty of Arts, Arts Program, University of Toronto Scarborough Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Humanities Studies and University of Toronto, The St George’s Faculty of Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.

From three well-known universities in the world. Mr. Fadel Thoriq Dharmawan chose the University of Toronto, St George Canada through the government-funded Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) Scholarship.

Before being accepted in a foreign university. Mr. Fadel Thoriq Dharmawan said he was asked to write an essay before registering. In addition, the high school student followed tips on how to write good and correct essays directed by his school. Writing an essay is a mandatory requirement when applying to universities abroad.

“From there, I learned to write essays so readers would know what was written. Indeed, the three foreign universities have their own questions. Apart from that, I have also listed the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test portfolio,” he said on Friday (31/03/2023).

The achievements of Mr. Fadel Thoriq Dharmawan are also flashy. The son of couple Dian Paluppi Kridianti and Darmawan Tri Hartanto has also achieved success in several universities. One of them participated in the English and Indonesian debate competitions.

The reason the student from Gresik chose to study abroad was none other than the desire to be on par with the developed countries, and this dream has been a dream ever since he was in college. “I chose the University of Toronto, St George in Canada. Indeed, this college has a higher quality than the other two universities. After finishing my studies there, I want to work at the British Embassy in Indonesia,” he said.

He added that of his generation, there were 1,000 students who enrolled. However, out of this number, only 300 students were accepted. Meanwhile, from Gresik Regency, two people have been selected and the registration process has been carried out since October 2022.

Meanwhile, SMA Muhammadiyah 10 (Smamio) GKB Deputy Director for Public Relations Rusdiah Arifaini said the school is also proud and this should be the next opening for younger siblings in their class.

“Mr. Fadel Thoriq Dharmawan is our second student to be accepted to a university abroad. Previously, one of our students was also accepted to a university in Russia,” he concluded. [dny/kun]

Justin Ortega

"Professional communicator. General music practitioner. Passionate organizer. Evil twitter fan."

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