Discover the 9 safest countries in the world, there are Singapore and Japan, JAKARTA – A sense of security is an important thing that every government should pay attention to country. If the country is safe, people can live comfortably and bring in tourists from abroad.

However, is there really a safest country in the world? The answer, of course, exists. The World Population Review, Institute for Economics and Peace has flagged a number of countries known to have a high level of security. Here is the list.

List of the safest countries in the world

1. Iceland

First, there is Iceland which obtains the title of the safest country. The country is home to approximately 430,000 people with a very low crime rate.

Moreover, Icelanders’ level of trust in the local police is also very high. In this country, neither the police nor the army carry firearms.

The security guards brought only sticks and a pot full of pepper. This proves that Iceland is indeed a very minimal crime

2. New Zealand

The second safest country is New Zealand. Just like Iceland, in this country the police also do not have firearms. This proves that this country is safe from various criminal threats.

Not only safe, this country is also famous for its natural beauty. New Zealand has beautiful landscapes and mountains and puts everyone who visits it at ease.


In third position, Portugal is the safest country in the world. In this country, the police still have firearms. However, the crime rate is still relatively low.

Its security makes its citizens and tourists comfortable. Not only that, Portugal is also very concerned about public amenities.

There are many ATMs or ATMs that anyone can use. Thus, economic activities or financial transactions will not be disrupted.

4. Austria

Austria is also known as the safest country in the world. In this country, serious crimes are rare. In fact, Austria is known to be a country spared from large-scale terrorism.

As in Portugal, there are many public establishments, especially ATMs, in this country. Thus, anyone in this country will feel more and more comfortable.

5. Denmark

Another country that has also earned the nickname of the safest country in the world is Denmark. The crime rate in this country is quite low and the civic responsibility is also very good. These two things make Denmark a safe and comfortable country to live in.


The second safest country is Canada. The country received excellent marks for the categories of internal conflict, crime rate and political stability. In addition to being known for its good level of security, Canada is also known for having a good education system.

7. Singapore

Who would have thought that the neighboring country of Indonesia, namely Singapore, turns out to be the second safest country after Canada. The country has a low crime rate.

In fact, Singapore is known for not shy away from harshly punishing anyone who commits a crime. According to a global survey, it is even stated that people from this country feel safe when walking around in Singapore.

8. Slovakia

The second safest country in the world is Slovakia. The country has a relatively low crime rate. Not only safe, the capital of this country, Ljubljana is known as the capital of the greenest country in Europe.

9. Japan

Japan is also one of the safest countries in the world. The country has a very strict immigration and access to firearms system. Moreover, the level of discipline in this country is also very high.

These are a number of countries known for their safety. Indonesia is not on the list of the safest countries in the world. It should be an assessment for us to continue to improve homeland security.

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