Ellie Black to lead Canadian team for World Championships

Elisabeth Seitz, three-time Olympian, ruled out of Worlds due to torn Achilles

Germany Elisabeth Seitz will miss the upcoming World Championships after tearing her Achilles tendon this week during training.

“Sometimes life throws unexpected obstacles in our way. “Unfortunately, I have to inform you that this year’s World Championships in Antwerp will have to take place without me,” she said. wrote in a post on Instagram. “During ground training yesterday, I ruptured the Achilles tendon in my right foot.”

The 29-year-old has been a regular feature in the German team since his senior debut in 2010 and won a bronze medal on the uneven bars at the world event in 2018.

His absence will be a big blow for the team.

At last year’s World Championships in Liverpool, where Germany finished 12th (probably the lowest possible ranking this year to secure a team quota spot for Paris 2024), Seitz contributed to the two highest scores of the team: 14.400 on bars and 13.466 on vault. .

Despite this setback, Seitz says he is still aiming for a fourth Olympic appearance in 2024.

“I won’t give up. “This injury will not stop me from continuing to pursue my dream of the 2024 Olympics and coming back stronger,” she wrote. “It might be a setback, but I’m going to work harder to recover and get back on the mat.”

Madeline Weber

"Amateur problem solver. Hipster-friendly alcohol lover. Beer buff. Infuriatingly humble tv geek."

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