Follow-up webinar on investment cooperation opportunities in the biomass technology sector in Central Kalimantan, hosted by the Consul General of Indonesia in Toronto, Canada

Follow-up webinar on investment cooperation opportunities in the biomass technology sector in Central Kalimantan, hosted by the Consul General of Indonesia in Toronto, Canada

Contribution of Central Kalimantan Provincial PMPTSP Service, March 29, 2021 1:40 p.m., read 21 times.

MMCKalteng – Palangka Raya – Follow-up to the webinar meeting on investment cooperation opportunities in the biomass technology sector in Central Kalimantan which was facilitated by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Toronto – l Indonesian Embassy in Canada on Tuesday March 23, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. SD. 11:30 WIB, the Consul General of Toronto immediately sent a letter to the Governor of Central Kalimantan Up. Head of DPMPTSP, Head of Disdagperin and Head of the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng Province) dated March 25, 2021 regarding the follow-up of the virtual meeting with DPMPTSP Prov. Central Kalimantan regarding investment and trade opportunities with Canada. The letter in question is proof of the seriousness of the Canadian government in investing in Central Kalimantan.

Head of Consul General of Indonesia in Toronto Leonard F. Hutabarat, Ph.D. via the virtual follow-up letter in question indicated that one of the Canadian companies Orion Eco Solutions Inc. Very interested in investing in Indonesia. The investment opportunities mentioned are mainly in the biomass technology sector with the BFC 250-300 diesel/biomass technology engine manufacturing project and production projects. fuel, this project requires at least 10 Ha of land for factories and storage as well as a minimum of 8 tonnes of agricultural waste per day and organic waste. This machine has a production capacity of 250 liters to 3000 liters per hour.

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The Consulate General of Indonesia in Toronto will pursue this investment opportunity to potential investors if the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government can provide certainty regarding incentives and information regarding raw material prices, transportation costs, estimated incentives for Carbon tax And renewable fuelsUMR and fees left at the dump. In addition to the biomass technology sector, the head of the Consul General of Indonesia in Toronto also hopes that in the near future, collaboration with several Canadian companies in various fields can be achieved.

First, investments in the quartz sand extraction sector and the construction of a glass factory with the aim of re-exporting it to several countries, including Canada. Statistics Canada highlights that the countries that are Canada’s largest glass exporters are China, India and the United States.

Second, investment in the development sector Foundries Iron-ore. This opportunity is quite potential given that several Canadian investors are also very interested in investing in this area and hope that the Indonesian partner companies will have a production capacity between 100,000 and 300,000 matrix tons per month.

Third, investment in the industrial plantation forest management (HTI) sector. The Consulate General of Indonesia in Toronto will encourage Canadian investors to invest in Central Kalimantan, especially those engaged in manufacturing industries such as wooden and rattan furniture products for export to Canada. This is due to an increasing trend in the value of imports of furniture products by Canada over the last 5 (five) years.

The Head of Consul General of Indonesia in Toronto, Canada hopes that in the near future, the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government, through the DPMPTSP, will be happy to submit proposals related to the three sectors mentioned above and other information that may be of interest to potential investors. namely the calculations. Return on investment (ROL) and the period. Canadian investors generally expect certain incentives that the Central Kalimantan regional government can offer.

Responding to the seriousness of potential Canadian investors from Toronto, Monday (29/3/2021), the Head of DPMPTSP will report this good opportunity to the Governor of Central Kalimantan to obtain support and approval and coordinate with relevant agencies, so that Canadian investors from Toronto can immediately make investments in Central Kalimantan, Bumi Tambun Bungai Bumi Pancasila. (AF/Photo: DPMPTSP Central Kalimantan Province).

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