Indonesia, Canada agree to increase economic and investment cooperation

(Beritaregion – Jakarta) Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu), Retno Marsudi, in her written statement, regarding the arrival of Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly in Jakarta, Monday (11/4/2022), said that the Indonesian and Canadian governments had agreed to increase economic cooperation, particularly in the areas of trade, investment and energy transition.

“I focused the discussion on economic cooperation. “We welcome the increase in bilateral trade, even in the midst of the pandemic,” Foreign Minister Retno said.

According to Retno, the current economic cooperation relations, especially the value of trade between Indonesia and Canada, will increase by 30 percent to reach 3.12 billion US dollars or 44.8 trillion IDR in 2021. To strengthen further bilateral trade, the two countries have started the first round. negotiations on the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CEPA) last month.

“We agreed to intensify the negotiations so that they are completed within a clear time frame,” Retno said.

Meanwhile, in the investment sector, a slight increase of 4% was recorded in 2021. Canada has invested in a number of infrastructure projects, including the construction of the Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) toll road and the port of Gresik which will be operational the next. year.

Retno added that to continue this synergy, Canada is collaborating with the Indonesian Investment Authority (INA) in the areas of renewable energy and green infrastructure. Apart from this, Indonesia supports the prospective discussions between PT Timah and Canada Rare Earth Corporation, including forming a joint venture (joint venture).

Indonesia and Canada also agreed to support cooperation in the transition to cleaner energy sources, including hydrogen fuel cell technology, the development of green hydrogen strategies and potential cooperation between Carbon Engineering Limited and PT Pertamina regarding carbon capture and storage (CCUS).

At the same time, Canadian Foreign Minister Joly stressed his commitment to strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries in various aspects. For Canada, Indonesia is the main economic cooperation partner in the ASEAN region. We agreed to explore initiatives to strengthen relations between the two countries, particularly for post-pandemic recovery.

Previously, President Jokowi received an honorary visit from Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, accompanied by a limited delegation at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday (04/11). Foreign Minister Retno also accompanied the head of state at the meeting, stating that the Canadian Foreign Minister conveyed Canada’s support for Indonesia’s G20 presidency.

Handi Fu/Journalist/Comics
Publisher: Handi Fu

Vince Corbyn

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