ITB student team becomes the only delegation to the international event “CaseIT 2017” in Canada

aseIT is a competition business case annual international scale intended to find strategies IT case analysisthe best held since 2004 by Simon Fraser University, Canada. This event, aimed at undergraduate students with a solid knowledge of information management systems, entered its 13th year and this year the ITB was represented by a team from the Systems and Technologies study program of the information (STI) composed of 3 students, namely Neyssa Nathania. (STI 2013), Nadhira Afriani (STI 2012) and Muhammad Ibrahim Al Muwahidan (STI 2012). All three will visit CaseIT 2017 in Vancouver, Canada against 10 other countries, namely America, Canada, Singapore, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Denmark, Belgium, Hungary and Mexico.

“We got information about CaseIT through the invitation sent to the study program,” Neyssa said. The invitation sent to the Systems and Technology study program was of course motivated by historical what’s good about STI in its existence at the event Business IT case international. The reason is that in 2016 one of the STI representatives managed to win 3rd place at the international event. APEX Business-IT Case Global Challenge In Singapore Management UniversitySingapore.

Apart from this, the achievements made by the participants themselves should also make ITB proud. Nadhira Afriani or who we often call Afi managed to win various competitions such as 3rd place APEX Business-IT Case Competition2016, 1st place National Business Case Competition 2016, and received the title of best student of STI ITB 2015. Muhammad Ibrahim Al Muwahidan, familiarly called Wahid, also achieved many feats like 1st place Business IT Case Competition 2015 and became a delegate of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (STEI) to ASEAN Undergraduate Student Summit, National University of Singapore2016. And Neyssa Nathania, who is familiarly called Neyssa, has also achieved many feats in events Business IT case as evidenced by his success in winning 1st place Business IT Case Competition 2016, Best speaker in the Business-IT case competition 2016 and 3rd place Business IT-Case Technology Euphoria2016.

After passing the internal selection organized by the STI study program itself, the team consisting of Afi, Wahid and Neyssa received direct guidance from Dr. Ir. Arry Akhmad Arman, MT as lecturer at STEI ITB. The three admitted that they did a lot of preparation, from practicing presentations in front of other students, to presenting in front of professors, to fundraising. sponsorship.

This fundraising is necessary because the competition organizers do not cover the transportation and accommodation costs of competition participants. The competition which will be held from Tuesday to Friday (02/14-17/17) certainly requires a lot of funds, so the preparations the three of them are making are not only preparing the materials to be contested but also preparing the funds . they have to leave, stay and return home to Indonesia. To date, the sponsors who have participated in financial support are Telkom Indonesia, Huawei, Mitratel, Telkomsigma, Indosat, Bukalapak, Pertamedika, Pos Indonesia, Bank BJB and Telin.

For Neyssa and Wahid, CaseIT 2017 is the first participation in an international event. Neyssa said: “I’m honest feel nervous because it’s the first time, there is definitely pressure because we have the name of the study program in addition to ITB, but on the other hand I’m grateful because it’s an opportunity precious who No everyone can get it.

“I am stressed anyway there is, but I prefer to find out what international competition is like. Especially with the people we face RIGHT native speakers so yes, I’m afraid Just English can still be heard
coating and it was not clear to the judges. Besides, we also have to face winter so I am very worried if it will affect our health because we are not used to it. So there’s a lot to think about anyway” said Wahid.

As the sole delegate from ITB and Indonesia, the three of them of course hope to achieve a lot. For Afi himself, he had already participated in international competitions APEX Business-IT Case Global Challenge“In fact, our main objective in participating in this competition is to comparative analysis. Because our curriculum is still new, we went to not only participate in the competition, but also observe what standards are used there, so that we can share them later with our juniors. “We also hope that this opportunity can pave the way for them if they wish to participate in international competitions in the future,” concluded Afi.

Ferdinand Stevens

"Travel nerd. Social media evangelist. Zombie junkie. Total creator. Avid webaholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Future teen idol."

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