Like the United States and Europe, Chinese electric cars face 100% import duties in Canada., Jakarta – Canada has announced that it will impose 100% import duties on electric vehicles made in China.

The move follows similar policies implemented by the United States and the European Union, which have imposed taxes to address concerns about unfair subsidies.

Quoted by CNBC International on Tuesday (27/8/2024), Canada’s 100% import tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles will take effect on October 1.

Canada had previously imposed a 6.1% tariff on imports of electric vehicles made in China.

The country will also impose 25% tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum made in China, which will take effect on October 15.

China is the third largest country for steel imports to Canada, according to the Canadian Steel Manufacturers Association.

Canada says the new measures are aimed at leveling the playing field for Canadian workers and enabling Canadian manufacturers of electric vehicles, steel and aluminum to compete domestically and globally.

These measures will be reviewed one year after their date of entry into force and may be extended or supplemented by additional measures.

The policy was implemented after U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration announced 100% tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles in May.

The European Union also imposed higher import tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles in July 2024, although it reduced some planned tariffs on Chinese-made Tesla electric vehicles and other Chinese electric vehicle makers last week.

Vince Corbyn

"Tvaholic. Beer guru. Lifelong internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture scholar. Friendly food advocate. Freelance alcohol fan. Incurable bacon ninja."

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