Makassar Students Win Medals at International Invention Innovation Event in Canada

ABATANEWS, MAKASSAR – Makassar students representing Indonesia participated in the International Discovery Innovation in Canada or iCAN 2022 event. Edysul Isdar, a student at UIN Alauddin Makassar, successfully won a silver medal in this event.

The ICAN 2022 competition is organized by the Toronto International Society of Innovation and Advanced Skills (TISIAS). This event was held offline for participants from European countries, while for countries outside Europe it was held online.

The student from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, represented Indonesia in the competition, which was attended by hundreds of participants. That is, no less than 650 participants from 79 countries.

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“At the local level, this activity is supported by the Innovation Initiative Co-operative Inc., and globally, it is supported by the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA),” said Edysul Isdar, reported by the UIN Alauddin Makassar page, Thursday (1/9/2022).

The competition Edysul Isdar participated in was the Innovation Project. The innovation he brought was bagasse bioelectricity, which is an alternative electrical energy generator based on industrial waste from sugar factories using microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology.

Edysul Isdar was able to achieve optimal results under the guidance of the Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion Association (INNOPA). He was very grateful and did not expect to win a silver medal in the iCAN 2022 competition.

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“Because I was also worried about the other teams whose innovation and English were better,” explained the seventh-semester student on Wednesday, August 5, 2022.

He admitted that his motivation to participate in iCAN 2022 was because he wanted to make his parents proud. Apart from that, Edysul Isdar continued, he wants to gain experience in the international arena to continue his studies abroad.

Meanwhile, Head of Physics Department Ihsan said he was very proud of the achievements made by his students. “I also thank Edysul Isdar because this achievement certainly makes the department, the faculty and UIN Alauddin proud at the international level,” he concluded.

Writer: Wahyu Susanto

Ferdinand Stevens

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