Really delicious! This employee is paid Rp. 2.2 billion and works 1 hour per day


A software engineer at Google once said that he could pocket a salary of US$718,000 per year, which is the equivalent of Rp 10,985,400,000 (assuming an exchange rate of Rp 15,300).

Quoted by, it is stated that they work approximately 5 hours per week. But that’s not all: a software engineer named Devon (pseudonym) recently revealed to Fortune that he works at Google for one hour a day and earns a salary of $150,000 per hour, or IDR 2.29 billion .

He said he usually wakes up at 9 a.m., then takes a shower and makes breakfast. Then work at Google until 11 a.m. or during the day. He then worked on a startup project currently being launched.

According to Devon, this work schedule is exactly what Gen Z dreams of: maintaining work-life balance. Previously, Devon was an intern at Google and had to work less than two hours a day. Google also freed him to work from anywhere, he went to Hawaii while he was still scheduled to work at Google.

Devon is not alone, there is also Jason who works remotely at Google. He did not work more than 30 hours in the company. Jason even said that the workload at Google was very low in the beginning. “I knew if I didn’t make it, I could quit one of these jobs,” he said.

These stories have sparked debate over how employees at tech companies like Google and Meta can afford to pay high salaries to workers who only work a few hours. Even tech experts say this is a false jobs trend.

The tech giant is hiring heavily during the pandemic to increase its workforce and differentiate its employees.

Some critics say the company doesn’t even have enough work to seem busy. FYI, Google and Meta laid off thousands of people earlier this year. The AI ​​company’s CEO, Thomas Siebel, said Google and Meta employees don’t really do anything from home.

Also See Video: Salary May Be Reduced Due To Getting Office Facilities


Vince Corbyn

"Tvaholic. Beer guru. Lifelong internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture scholar. Friendly food advocate. Freelance alcohol fan. Incurable bacon ninja."

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