Swarms of aphids invade New York

New York City is attacked by hordes of insects. After being engulfed in smoke from wildfires in Canada three weeks ago, swarms of aphids have been crossing Manhattan and Brooklyn since last week, triggering psychosis.

During the week, the photo exploded on social media. You can see impressive videos of thousands of white or green insects clinging to their skin, hair and clothes.

Internet users are happy to share their theories, sometimes a little far-fetched, ranging from mosquitoes attracted by the smoke of Canadian fires to divine punishment.

This hypothesis has been refuted by some scientists in the American press. The smoke has nothing to do with the arrival of these insects.


According to Corrie Moreau, professor of entomology at Cornell University, the aphids will thrive thanks to the cool and humid temperatures that have persisted since this winter.

Indeed, more flowers and plants have grown this year thanks to mild winters and rainy springs, which will attract insects, he explained in New York time.

While researchers have so far failed to positively identify which species are spreading, they want confirmation. Backed by the New York City Department of Health, they claim that these insects are harmless and can disappear as quickly as they appear.

Virginie Gerhard/Aristocrat

Justin Ortega

"Professional communicator. General music practitioner. Passionate organizer. Evil twitter fan."

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