Tengku Firmansyah Becomes a Welder in Canada, His Salary Makes You Look Down

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Who would have thought that handsome actor Tengku Firmansyah would now change direction to become a welder in Canada! Tengku Firmansyah made this surprising decision after successfully obtaining a permanent residence permit in Maple Leaf Country.

From artist to metallurgist

After years in the entertainment world, Tengku decided to open a new chapter in his life. With his small family, he emigrated to Canada and chose the path of professional migration.

Tengku shared his new life in Canada via Instagram. His upload showing him welding iron while wearing a work uniform bearing the company’s logo immediately caught the attention of netizens.

“Ready to work,” Tengku writes enthusiastically.

How much do welders earn in Canada?

Are you curious to know how much salary Tengku can earn as a welder in Canada? According to data from Job Bank, a Canadian government employment service, welder salaries are quite attractive.

On average, a welder can earn around CAD$28 per hour, which is equivalent to IDR 329,210.

However, this salary can vary depending on location and experience. In Edmonton, where Tengku works, a welder’s salary can even reach 45 Canadian dollars per hour! Wow, that’s a pretty fantastic number, right?

Vince Corbyn

"Tvaholic. Beer guru. Lifelong internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture scholar. Friendly food advocate. Freelance alcohol fan. Incurable bacon ninja."

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