The Conservative Party of Canada elects a populist as its new leader

The Conservative Party, which opposes the government in Canada, chose a very aggressive figure as its new party leader on Saturday (10/9).

Pierre Poilievre is a populist who opposes the vaccine mandate and blames Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for global inflation.

He won the election to become party leader on the first ballot. He won 68% of the vote, beating a moderate and centered candidate.

Poilievre, 43, is a career politician and served as a cabinet minister in former Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government.

He appealed to Canadians who opposed the vaccine mandate and supported the Freedom Truck convoy that crippled the Canadian capital and blocked several Canada-US border points.

“Tonight marks the beginning of the journey to replace an old government that is damaging and less helpful to you, with a new government that puts you first,” Poilievre said. “By fighting liberal inflation, you can regain control of your life and your money.”

Poilievre wins the sympathy of party supporters, draws large crowds and invites thousands of new members. [vm/rs]

Madeline Weber

"Amateur problem solver. Hipster-friendly alcohol lover. Beer buff. Infuriatingly humble tv geek."

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