Trade Minister Zulhas welcomes and leaves Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at AIPF 2023

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA- – Minister of Commerce Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) today welcomed the arrival of Canadian Prime Minister (PM) Justin Trudeau at the ASEAN-Indo-Pacific Forum (AIPF) 2023 in Jakarta. The two were seen smiling and chatting warmly before Justin Trudeau delivered his speech.

Then, Zulhas accompanied Justin Trudeau to deliver a speech on several steps of cooperation with ASEAN and accompanied him to return home.

“I accompanied you Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave a speech, then drove him home,” said Zulhas after seeing Justin Trudeau, Wednesday (06/9/2023).

Zulhas said he previously accompanied President Jokowi in a bilateral meeting with Justin Trudeau. He said that during the meeting, Justin was accompanied by Canada’s Minister of International Trade, Mary Ng.

He also revealed that yesterday’s meeting discussed a number of collaborations between Indonesia and Canada, including the completion of ICA-CEPA next year and support for the export of various products.

Zulhas added that Canada truly supports cooperation in the ASEAN-Indo-Pacific region so that economic growth is stable. Apart from that, this activity also addressed digitalization and green economy.

It is known that during the meeting, Justin Trudeau and Zulhas were also surrounded by forum participants who were present to take photos together.

Addison Erickson

"Thinker. Hardcore web aficionado. Zombie evangelist. Pop culture trailblazer. Student. Passionate twitter maven."

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