Unpar’s Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program Wins IABEE International Accreditation

Unpar won the IABEE International Accreditation Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program (Photo: doc. Unpar)

JAKARTA – The Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Prodi) study program at Parahyangan Catholic University has gained international status. The International Accreditation Status (General Accreditation) of the Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE) was officially established on February 22, 2023 by the Chairman of the IABEE Executive Committee, Muhammad Romli.

This achievement is an achievement considering that the Undergraduate Chemical Engineering study program at Unpar is the first PTS Chemical Engineering study program under the Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDIKTI) Region IV West Java and Banten, as well as the second PTS in Indonesia to achieve this accreditation status.

This IABEE international accreditation is of course in line with the higher predicate that has been bagged by the National Accreditation Council for Higher Education (BAN-PT) Unpar Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program. Thus, graduates of the UNPAR Chemical Engineering degree program have more opportunities to have careers to join and participate professionally as global engineers.

As known, IABEE is an independent, non-profit international accreditation institution operated by the Association of Indonesian Engineers (PII) which aims to ensure the implementation of higher engineering education in Indonesia with international standards.

IABEE also obtained the status of signatory member of the Washington Accord in 2022. The Washington Accord is an international convention of organizing accreditation bodies (23 countries, including Indonesia, and among them the States United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia) which guarantee recognition with study programs in accredited engineering.

According to the iabee.or.id page, many benefits can be obtained for graduates, industries/companies/government institutions that use graduates, as well as prospective students.

As mentioned earlier, graduating from IABEE-accredited degree programs, these graduates have career opportunities to join and participate professionally as global engineers.

On the other hand, for graduate users, the IABEE accreditation guarantees that the recruited graduates are professionals capable of contributing to the development of companies or institutions on a global level.

Additionally, graduates of IABEE-accredited degree programs are also prepared to be able to continue to adapt and grow based on the latest technological advances and developments.

Tedi Hudaya, as the chair of the chemical engineering department at Unpar, said that the acquisition of IABEE accreditation status indicates that the undergraduate study program in chemical engineering at UNPAR has established an outcome-based learning (OBE) program.

Ferdinand Stevens

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