Xi Jinping scolds Trudeau, it’s China’s economic strength against Canada


An unusual moment occurred at the G20 High-Level Conference in Bali (KTT). President of China Xi Jinping filmed lecturing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

As reported by CNN on Thursday (11/17/2022), Xi Jinping’s translator said that there had been “discussions that were leaked to the public.” Xi Jinping’s hands were seen moving in a gesture as if to emphasize what he was saying.

“Everything we discussed has been disclosed in documents and it is inappropriate,” Xi Jinping’s translator said.



“And that’s not how negotiations are conducted,” Xi Jinping’s translator said.

Apart from this, the economic strength of each country depends Xi Jinping and Trudeau is interesting to watch. Like what?

According to World Bank data, China’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021 is US$17.73 trillion. GDP itself is the amount of value added produced by all business units in a given country, or the total value of final goods and services produced by all economic units. GDP is an important indicator for determining the economic situation of a country.

In addition, China’s per capita GDP was recorded at 12,556.3 US dollars. China’s economic growth was then recorded at 8.1%.

At the same time, the number of unemployed in China was recorded at 4.8% of the total labor force. Then, inflation in 2021 will be 1%.

Canada’s GDP is much lower than that of China. In the same year, Canada’s GDP was US$1.99 trillion. However, the GDP per capita is higher, at US$52,051.4.

Canada recorded economic growth of 4.6%. Unemployment was 7.5% of the total workforce and inflation was 3.4%.


Vince Corbyn

"Tvaholic. Beer guru. Lifelong internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture scholar. Friendly food advocate. Freelance alcohol fan. Incurable bacon ninja."

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