3 motivations for volunteer soldiers in Ukraine, money and hatred of Russia stand out the most

Ukraine relies on foreign volunteers to help fight against Russia. Photo/Reuters

MOSCOW – Temporary Russia recruiting mercenaries, Ukraine has become a magnet for volunteers seeking to resist Russian aggression or go on an adventure.

By mid-2022, after Ukraine established the International Defense Legion, 20,000 volunteers from 52 countries had joined. It is claimed by the Ukrainian government.

These numbers have fallen to around 2,000 to 3,000 – too few to make much difference in the war – but they still conjure up the image of the International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War, when 35,000 volunteers from 52 countries fought Spanish fascists backed by Nazi and Italian troops.

A new study by Italian researcher Matteo Pugliese reveals confused backgrounds and motivations among members of the Ukrainian International Legion, a battalion-sized force.

Here are 3 motivations for foreign volunteers who have signed up to help Ukraine against Russia.

1. Affiliation with extreme ideology

Some are former officers from NATO countries like Britain and Canada. Others are right-wing or far-left anarchists who fought alongside the Kurds against IS in Syria.

“The majority of legionnaires come from North America, Europe and Latin America, but are driven by diverse motivations, have diverse personal backgrounds and the majority have no prior political affiliations,” Pugliese said. Insiders.

2. Run away from problems

One member had fled to Ukraine and joined the Legion after being charged with fraud in Australia, while others had been career criminals in Poland and Ukraine. Members of the legion also include former soldiers of Latin American armies, which produced mercenaries operating around the world.

3. Located in Brotherhood

Significantly, Pugliese found that most of the volunteers who fought for Kyiv were not radicalized by their experiences. They were “grateful for the bonds of brotherhood between the legionnaires, or disappointed and traumatised”.


Addison Erickson

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