Lurah in Sukabumi praises JKN program which guarantees access to healthcare for citizens


Lurah Fortress, Sukabumi Tri Hastuti City supports BPJS Health in the implementation of the JKN-KIS program. He said the program was very helpful for the community to get health services.

“Those who were hesitant to seek treatment because they feared the costs would be high, now they don’t. There is JKN which guarantees access to health facilities. I am very happy that BPJS Kesehatan wants to visit directly the community, it’s very helpful and it makes it easier for us to obtain services related to the JKN program. I also appreciate BPJS Kesehatan for trying to ensure that KIS ownership is consistent with those who are entitled to it. “, Tri said in a written statement, Monday (26/9/2022).

Tri said that to improve services for JKN participants, the best collaboration is needed from all parties, not just BPJS Kesehatan. According to him, all parties must play an active role in supporting the sustainability of the JKN program so that it can continue to bring great benefits to the community, especially in terms of health insurance.

“Health facilities must also act to improve services. The same with the government so that it can aim straight when registering disadvantaged people who are not yet JKN participants. Well-established coordination must also be sustainable, as a form of joint efforts to provide the best service. I hope that there will be more and more people who realize the importance of the JKN program,” Tri said.

Tri hopes that BPJS Health, as the organizer of the JKN program, can continue to develop service innovations that make it easier for participants to access health services.


Justin Ortega

"Professional communicator. General music practitioner. Passionate organizer. Evil twitter fan."

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