Pursue your dream of studying abroad with International Pathway USG Education

To help those going to study abroad, USG Education collaborates with the IQ Learning Center. Photo/ist

JAKARTA – Education is the main key to forming a young generation of quality. It is on this basis that he is currently proceeding to study abroad be an option. For those with adequate economic capacity, studying abroad is definitely not a problem. This is of course different for those who want to study abroad relying on scholarships.

Either way, to help speed up the process to the dream campus abroad, institutions are now emerging that specialize in helping students who want to study abroad. One of them is USG Education which has been present for 7 years in Indonesia. US government education aims to help parents and children pursue their education at a higher level in prestigious universities abroad.

International course program

One of the routes that can be taken to get a prestigious overseas campus which is the ideal is the international route of USG Education. “USG Education truly understands that making a choice of study is not an easy decision for parents and students. The abundance of information often creates confusion. Therefore, we are not just an institution of education, but also friends and partners who understand the needs of parents and students,” Adhirama G. Tusin, USG Education President and CEO, said in his official statement, Saturday (8/12/2023).

At USG Education, students receive solutions for choosing paths that match their goals. This process starts in Jakarta and continues in top universities in various parts of the world including Australia, UK, Europe, USA, Canada or Singapore. Various programs such as 1+2, 2+1, 2+2 and 1+3 are offered, depending on the wishes of the university chosen by the students. USG Education also collaborates with more than 100 world-class university partners.


After seven years as an educational institution, USG Education has expanded its wings by collaborating with IQ LearningCentre Jao Ken Foei. “Our collaboration is a solution for Indonesian students to prepare for education abroad. We continue to create excellent programs for the benefit of Indonesian students and contribute to forming a future generation of quality and success”, said said Jao Ken Foei, founder of the IQ Learning Center.

From the collaboration of these two institutions, students who wish to study can choose majors in business, information technology and engineering (engineering). And introduce educators to the campus-standard quality that students crave. USG Education currently has 4 branches, which have different concentrations for each location, such as in Pondok Indah, Kelapa Gading, Pantai Indah Kapuk, and BSD.

In addition, this institution also offers excellent programs such as Uniprep Foundation Studies and UIC College. And allows students to enter the University of New South Wales and some of the best universities in Australia, Europe, the United States and Canada.

From the age of 7, USG Education hopes to be the best at guiding students towards their educational success. “We hope that USG Campus can be the best in providing top quality seeds to the young generation in the future and this will definitely make our nation proud,” said Yuvin Maharuddin, USGE PIK Campus Campus Manager.


Ferdinand Stevens

"Travel nerd. Social media evangelist. Zombie junkie. Total creator. Avid webaholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Future teen idol."

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