What day does October 6 commemorate? There are 4 important moments

Makassar – October 6, 2023 falls on a Friday, first week of the tenth month of this year. Several important moments are commemorated on this date.

So, what day does October 6 commemorate?

There are 4 important and unique moments recorded that are commemorated on October 6th. One of the important commemorations celebrated today is World Cerebral Palsy Day.

Apart from this, other important celebrations are also commemorated on this day. To find out, let’s look at the full list and review below!

World Cerebral Palsy Day

Every October 6, World Cerebral Palsy Day is celebrated. The aim of this commemoration is to increase awareness of people with cerebral palsy around the world.

Citing the official World Cerebral Palsy Day page, World Cerebral Palsy Day is a global movement that started in 2012.

Cerebral palsy is a physical disability that affects body movement and posture. Many people with cerebral palsy have needs related to vision, hearing, communication, and other mobility.

There are more than 17 million people worldwide who have cerebral palsy, and an additional 350 million people have close relationships with children or adults who have cerebral palsy.

The effects can range from weakness in one hand to almost complete absence of voluntary movement. The following complex disabilities are experienced by people with cerebral palsy:

  • 1 in 4 children with cerebral palsy cannot speak
  • 1 in 4 people cannot walk
  • 1 in 2 people have an intellectual disability
  • 1 in 4 people suffer from epilepsy.

World Smile Day

Citing the World Smile Day page, World Smile Day is celebrated every first Friday of October. This year it coincides with October 6.

This warning is inseparable from the figure of the artist Harvey Ball who created a smiling face in 1963.

The image later became the most recognized symbol of goodwill and cheerfulness on the planet. However, over time, Harvey Ball became concerned about the overcommercialization of his symbol and how its original meaning and intent had been lost due to its constant repetition in the marketplace.

From this concern was born the idea of ​​celebrating World Smile Day. He believes we should all take a day every year to smile and do good around the world.

Since the first World Smile Day in 1999, the celebration has continued each year in Smiley’s hometown of Worcester, Massachusetts.
and all over the world.

After Harvey’s death in 2001, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was established to honor his name and memory. This foundation also continues to be the official sponsor of World Smile Day each year.

The Worcester History Museum is celebrating World Smile Day with events and activities, including the annual Harvey Ball. Communities, schools, businesses and organizations around the world are also celebrating World Smile Day in fun and creative ways, including striving to break the record for the largest smiling human face, delivering food and providing smiley treats to those who need them, hosting smiley events in hospitals, creating videos, and much more.

National Noodle Day

Quoting from the National Today page, eating noodles is the easiest way to get as many delicious carbs into your mouth as possible. This term has become a catch-all term for everything related to pasta, spaghetti, macaroni and ramen.

This means there is a dish for everyone, regardless of their favorite sauce and toppings.

The earliest historical mention of noodles appears in a dictionary dating to the third century AD in China. The first noodles, formed into small pieces, were made from bread dough and placed in a pot of boiling water.

Some researchers hypothesize that Genghis Kahn and his empire stretching from East Asia to Central Europe contributed greatly to the spread of dumplings. This is why Italians and Chinese claim to be the inventor of noodles.

Regardless of where noodles come from, one of the most interesting things about noodles is their diversity. In China, there are chefs who prepare the finest noodles called mian; Meanwhile, in Italy, you can find wide, flat pasta covered in bolognese and béchamel sauce, better known as lasagna.

Noodles are found in almost every culture, making them one of the most widely consumed foods. National Noodle Day, which falls on October 6, is National Pasta Month, filling this month with a variety of flavors and options to fill hungry stomachs.

Children’s Music Day

Also on the National Today page, Children’s Music Day is celebrated every year on the first Friday in October. This year it coincides with October 6. This warning is intended to encourage children to assimilate music into their lives.

Listening to music has powerful academic and social benefits, especially for children. Additionally, it can also improve mood, reduce stress, and improve concentration in children as they deal with the stress of their school activities.

Music education, both formal and informal, is known to have long-term positive effects on many of the most famous and successful individuals in American society, including scientists, inventors, doctors, and entrepreneurs. The benefits of practicing music become more pronounced in children.

Learning to play a musical instrument or simply humming a melody helps them focus and realize their full potential. A day dedicated to music can greatly motivate children to take up music as an active hobby and perhaps later in life as a full-time profession.

Recognizing this, Keep Music Alive, a non-profit organization that aims to help children use music in their education, as therapy and for social benefits, eventually founded Children’s Music Day or Music Day. music for children in 2016.

By dedicating one day per year, Children’s Music Day seeks to encourage children to actively benefit from the benefits of music. This day also aims to instill in children the habits of living in the present.

Children’s Music Day, which began in the United States as an experiment, became a movement that quickly spread across North America. Besides America, several places in Canada also celebrate it.

This is information about the day October 6 is celebrated. Hope this helps you, detikers.

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Vince Corbyn

"Tvaholic. Beer guru. Lifelong internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture scholar. Friendly food advocate. Freelance alcohol fan. Incurable bacon ninja."

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