Without knowing it, we live side by side with dinosaurs

Bandung – A giant asteroid would have caused the mass extinction of three quarters of species and animals on Earth, including the dinosaurs.

City of detikInet, the event 66 million years ago did not completely destroy the dinosaurs. There are still relatives of Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor, which we can call birds.

Launch of the American Museum of Natural History, in the opinion of most paleontologists today, birds are living dinosaurs. There are a number of things that are characteristic of the main skeletal features and their behavior, including nesting and brooding.

Before birds, this habit is believed to have first appeared in certain dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.

Researchers also believe that birds and some dinosaurs have a common ancestor. This is demonstrated by the number of fossils that have been found so far.

Additionally, the Cornell Lab says recently discovered fossil evidence from China and Canada has confirmed that the ancestors of birds did indeed have feathers in every evolutionary pathway. Well, many theropod dinosaurs had feathers covering their bodies, which is known as “dino fuzz”. This dino fuzz even covered a close relative of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Thus, it is almost certain and according to the consensus of many scientists, that birds are the evolutionary form of dinosaurs that survived the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event.

This article was published on detikInet with the title All are not extinct, these dinosaurs are still around us

(Yum yum)

Madeline Weber

"Amateur problem solver. Hipster-friendly alcohol lover. Beer buff. Infuriatingly humble tv geek."

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