Bamsoet encourages RI to have rules for the use of artificial intelligence


President of MPR RI who is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association of Former Doctors of Law of Padjadjaran University (PADIH UNPAD), Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) appreciated the achievements of the Professor of the Faculty of Law ( FH) of UNPAD, Sinta Dewi, who was appointed Professor/Professor of Cyber ​​Law, FH UNPAD.

It is known that Sinta gave a scientific speech on “The benefits and risks of using artificial intelligence (AI) and its influence on data privacy: from Lex Informatica to Lex Rematica”.

Bamsoet explained that currently, the development of AI on various platforms is happening rapidly. Apart from the benefits, society needs to be aware of the negative impacts of using AI on human life.

According to him, if not used judiciously, AI has the potential to blur the human view of truth and lies. As well as the potential for misuse of personal data for criminal acts and other offenses.

“To anticipate crimes in the cyber world with the increasingly rapid development of AI, Singapore, Germany and China have even formed a Cyber ​​Force as a separate force. ​Chinese force is expected to be the largest in the world, reaching 145,000 personnel. As Lemhannas Governor Andi Widjajanto pointed out in the study “Lemhannas Indonesia must also start preparing for Cyber ​​​​training Force (US), so that it can strengthen the three existing units, namely the Army (AD), Navy (AL) and Air Force (AU),” Bamsoet said in his press release, Tuesday (9/26/2023).

He conveyed this during the inauguration of Sinta Dewi as Professor/Professor of Cyber ​​Law, FH UNPAD, at Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Bandung.

The Chairman of the 20th DPR RI explained that the Republic of Indonesia must have clear and strict regulations to deal with AI developments. In particular by strengthening the role of intelligence, both of the BIN as well as the BAIS TNI and Baintelkam Polri.

“Currently, the use of AI in Indonesia only refers to the National Strategy Document for Artificial Intelligence 2020-2045 issued by the Agency for Technology Assessment and Application/BPPT (now BRIN) . This document must be reinforced by stricter regulations at the level of laws and regulations. “Presidential or government regulations, which can regulate the use, ethics, safety and protection of workers in any development and use of AI in Indonesia,” explained Bamsoet.

The Golkar Party Deputy General Chairman said that at least 60 countries around the world have issued AI-related policies, including the UK, the US and Canada. Some even have an AI Safety Council.

US President Joe Biden also proposed an AI Bill of Rights, which includes ensuring citizens’ rights and supporting AI development and innovation.

“To overcome various problems in the cyber and digital world, Indonesia currently has only two laws. Namely Law No. 11/2008 concerning information and electronic transactions and Law No. 27/2022 concerning the protection of personal data. Cybersecurity and Resilience Act. Considering that in 2021 alone, the National Cybersecurity and Cryptography Agency (BSSN) recorded at least 1.6 billion traffic anomalies or cyberattacks occurring in various regions of Indonesia, including hundreds , or even thousands of potential cyberattacks. attacks targeting “Ring-1 of the State Palace,” Bamsoet concluded.


Ferdinand Stevens

"Travel nerd. Social media evangelist. Zombie junkie. Total creator. Avid webaholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Future teen idol."

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