Does Canadian law regulate weather modification programs? page all – Social media uploads show legal regulations Canada program related climate change.

The content is shared by the Facebook account this and a Twitter account this with a negative impression, and includes screenshots from the official Canadian government website.

The account stated that the weather modification program was carried out in secret and made matters worse.

City of AFPnarration on one of the stories, which has been translated into Indonesian, as follows:

We have something in Canada on the books called the “Information Act Changing the weather”

I have been watching chemtrails for over 15 years and lately they have gotten much worse.

Anyone want to submit a request for information? It’s time for the answer

weather change with chemicals or chemtrails often used as a reason for some groups to deny the occurrence global warming.

According to the group, the government and various actors did chemtrails in secret, but cites global warming as the cause of temperature changes.

They expressed the theory that changes in weather cycles and rising Earth temperatures are caused chemtrailsnot the effect of rising carbon and global warming.

Is it true that Canada alters the weather?

According to AFP, images and links in the content are from the official website of the Department of Justice Canada. However, this regulation has existed since 1985 and is not a secret.

titled law The Weather Modification Information Act 1985 this one defines weather modification as follows:

Any act designed or intended to produce, by physical or chemical means, a change in the composition or dynamics of the atmosphere for the purpose of increasing, reducing or redistributing precipitation, reducing or suppressing hail , lightning or clearing fog or clouds

ECCC spokeswoman Samantha Bayard told AFP that the law requires that any weather modification activity be reported to the government.

Weather modification is generally aimed at reducing heat during the dry season and reducing large hail that can cause damage. This was done so as not to destroy.

The only weather modification company in Canada since 1996 is Weather Modification Inc., based in the United States.

They are paid to modify the weather in Canadian urban areas, especially for cloud seeding to reduce hail damage.

“The company operates several developing thunderstorms in the Red Deer area of ​​Calgary between May and September each year, and provided the necessary reports to ECCC each year,” Bayard said.

Evidence of global warming

According to the website of the Aeronautics and Space Agency (Nasa) United States (US), there is evidence that the earth is experiencing an increase in temperature known as global warming.

Global warming has been occurring and caused by human activity since the 1800s and continues at levels that cannot be detected directly.

The human activities in question are activities that produce gases that rise in the atmosphere and trap heat from the sun in the Earth system.

The gas in question is one of them carbon dioxide, which then warms the atmosphere, the sea and the land whose data has also been recorded and documented.

Signs of global warming are rising global temperatures, warming seas, shrinking ice caps in various parts of the earth, and receding glacier boundaries, which means their area is shrinking.

Other signs include falling snow cover, rising sea levels, decreasing Arctic sea ice levels, increasing frequency of extreme natural events, and increasing ocean acidity.

Armed with this evidence, the scientists who are members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which was established in 1988 recognized the need to address climate change.

“The scientific evidence for a warming climate system is incontrovertible,” quoted the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

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Ferdinand Stevens

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