G7 agrees to create a code of ethics for the use of AI and mitigate abuse

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Industrialized countries members of the Group of Seven or G7 have agreed to implement a code of ethics for the use of technology artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence/AI).

Citing the South China Morning Post, governments in these countries are trying to mitigate risks and misuse of technology.

This agreement and the voluntary implementation of the code of ethics will constitute a historic step linked to the joint efforts and methods of the international community to manage the use of AI.

“[Terutama] amid concerns over personal data protection and cybersecurity risks,” wrote the South China Morning Post, citing documents published by Reuters and cited by Bisnis.com on Monday (10/30/2023).

The leaders of the G7 countries, namely Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union (EU), began this process in May 2023 during a forum at ministerial level.

Meanwhile, the agreement’s 11 codes of ethics aim to promote safe, secure, trustworthy AI technology and voluntarily provide guidance regarding the latest developments in this technology.

This code of conduct urges companies to take appropriate steps to identify, assess and mitigate risks throughout the lifecycle of the AI ​​system, as well as to address incidents and patterns of misuse after the commercialization of the AI ​​system. product.

In practice, companies are required to publicly report on the capabilities, limitations, uses and abuses of AI systems, and invest in strict security controls.

The EU is at the forefront of regulating this new technology by implementing very strict AI laws.

Meanwhile, Japan, the united states of americaand Southeast Asian countries are seen as taking a less strict approach than the EU.

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Ferdinand Stevens

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