Indian man fired in Canada after explaining how to get free food

CANADA – An Indian employee in Canada was fired after posting a video showing how to get free food.

The employee, identified as Mehul Prajapati, previously worked in a bank. He was fired after the video went viral and drew widespread harsh criticism.

Launch India todayPrajapati explains in his video how to get free food from campus food banks.

He explained that these food banks are run by charities, churches and non-profit organizations to provide free food to those in need.

By using food from food banks, he says he saves “hundreds of dollars” every month.

Prajapati also showed what he got from the food bank, including fruits, bread, vegetables and canned goods.

“It really helped me as a student. Ask your seniors or check your college website for the location of the food bank,” he said at the end of the video.

Have a well-paid job

The video, which was first posted online on platforms Social media Instagram, before it went viral on X (formerly Twitter), attracted a lot of criticism after Prajapati was revealed to have a large income.

He is known for working at TD Bank as data scientist with an income of 98,000 Canadian dollars (around IDR 1.1 billion) per year.

With such a large income, many people think he doesn't deserve to receive free food from food banks.

“Imagine stealing from a charity intended for those who need it most,” wrote one user, quoted by India Today.

“Isn’t that a form of crime?? Surely it is not legal to access food assistance if it can be proven that you are paid enough to feed yourself? wrote another.

Along with this barrage of criticism, a number of parties appeared to be trying to denounce Prajapati at his workplace.

The reason was that someone then downloaded a response email from TD Bank stating that the man no longer worked for them.

“Thank you for bringing this video to our attention. “The alleged actions and messages captured in the video are inconsistent with the true values ​​of TD's caring culture,” reads the email sent by TD customer service.

“I can confirm that the person mentioned in the video no longer works at TD,” they continued.

To IndiaToday.In, Prajapati shared his side of the story after the video went viral and received sharp attacks.

He claims he was not fired and that there was racial bias against him.

Addison Erickson

"Thinker. Hardcore web aficionado. Zombie evangelist. Pop culture trailblazer. Student. Passionate twitter maven."

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