Technology relationships and collaboration – – Technology will always be linked to collaboration. The two influence each other.

Collaboration is created because there is adequate access to technology. Meanwhile, technology can be formed through collaboration between multiple parties.

Technology relationships and collaboration

According to the Britannica website, technology is the implementation of scientific knowledge for practical purposes in human life.

Technology is also often associated with efforts to modify and manipulate the environment and human life.

The presence of technology certainly goes through a long series of processes. From design to testing.

In order to create appropriate and effective technology, the collaboration of various involved parties is necessary.

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Quoted in the book Virtual Lab and Remote Lab Models through Inquiry and Collaboration (2019) by Wilda Susanti, here is the definition of collaboration:

“Collaboration is an interaction between several people to achieve a common desired goal.”

Collaboration can also be interpreted as cooperation between various parties to make things happen.

Explain the relationship between technology and collaboration!

The relationship between technology and collaboration is that technology can be created through collaboration between multiple parties.

Technology should be developed in a better or modern direction, in order to make human life easier.

Collaboration is therefore necessary. With cooperation or collaboration, common goals will be easier to achieve.

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Apart from this, collaboration is also necessary to complement each other. The technology created is therefore much better.

The relationship between technology and collaboration is also visible when collaboration also requires technology in its implementation.

The presence of technology clearly contributes to successful collaboration to develop better technology and science.

In conclusion, the relationship between technology and collaboration is that technology requires collaboration, and collaboration can be created through technology.

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Ferdinand Stevens

"Travel nerd. Social media evangelist. Zombie junkie. Total creator. Avid webaholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Future teen idol."

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