This school bans students from taking photos of transgender teachers with giant breasts

Kayla Lemieux, a transgender school teacher in Canada who sparked controversy because she wore giant breast prostheses. Photo/via

TORONTO – A school in Canada has banned students from taking photos of transgender teachers wearing giant prosthetic breasts. If caught, the student concerned will be suspended.

Transgender teacher, now known as Kayla Lemieux at Oakville Trafalgar Secondary School in Oakville, Ont., made headlines in September when her first photos and videos began going viral.

The local school board defended him at the time. Halton District School Board (HDSB) President Margo Shuttleworth said: Toronto Sunshine in September, protecting the “gender rights” of their employees was a position taken by the school board and they supported the teachers.

Now, the students’ parents say the school district has gone even further, threatening students with suspension if they continue to photograph and film Lemieux.

“[Siswa telah] threatened with suspension if they tried to take a photo of Lemieux,” said an anonymous parent. Toronto Sunshine.

Lemieux identified as a man a year ago, but now identifies as a woman.

The school board says Lemieux is very efficient and Shuttleworth even says that all the students are very happy to be in class.

However, videos and photos of transgender teachers continue to spread rapidly. online and sparked a wave of violent reactions. The school board acknowledged this, saying it received several comments and phone calls on the subject.

“There will be protesters and anti-protesters,” Shuttleworth said. Toronto Sunshine. “I know there have been phone calls to the school that have been unpleasant in nature.”

Madeline Weber

"Amateur problem solver. Hipster-friendly alcohol lover. Beer buff. Infuriatingly humble tv geek."

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