Doctors in Canada refuse to increase their salaries, reasons that give you goosebumps, Quebec – Most people want a high salary to be able to meet their basic needs. However, this is at odds with doctors in Quebec, Canada, who recently surprised many parties with a pay increase.

People around the world were shocked when they first heard this information. The city’s doctors even refused a salary increase for a very simple reason.

Quoted from the page BBCFriday (9/3/2018), more than 700 doctors, both general and specialists, signed a petition from Médecins Québécois Pour le Régime Public saying that they do not want the salary increase set by the Canadian government.

They felt it would be more appropriate if this money was transferred to them (the patients) for medical costs.

“We, doctors in Quebec, demand that the salary increase policy granted to medical teams be immediately canceled. We recommend that this money be diverted to the health service sector, so that it is much more appropriate for society,” the statement read.

An independent report indicates that salaries of doctors in Quebec, Canada, doubled between 2005 and 2015. This figure even exceeds the norm for a doctor.

Conversely corresponding to the state of the nurse

A form of frustration is also expressed when other medical personnel, such as nurses, are faced with such tight and timeless work schedules.

Today, they (nurses) are fighting for better working conditions and better salaries.

“I have back problems and it prevents me from sleeping,” explained Emilie Ricard.

“The workload of nurses in Quebec, Canada is much heavier. In a single shift, I am responsible for 70 patients. Every time I go home, I always cry because I am exhausted” , did he declare.

Justin Ortega

"Professional communicator. General music practitioner. Passionate organizer. Evil twitter fan."

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